Heritage Tractor Blog
FAQ: Compact Construction Equipment

What machines are considered compact construction equipment?
John Deere has several lines classified as compact construction equipment. These lines include compact track loaders, skid steers, compact excavators, and compact wheel loaders. Each of the lines was designed to fit into places and do jobs full-size construction equipment is too large for.
What is the difference between skid steers and compact track loaders?
When looking at skid steers and compact track loaders, there is very little difference. Skid steers have wheels and compact track loaders have tracks. However, these machines aren’t always suited for the same type of work. Skid steers are great for working on hard surfaces such as concrete because the tires can turn/skid quickly without tearing up the surface. Likewise, skid steers can quickly tear up soft ground such as dirt, grass, and gravel. Compact track loaders are better suited for working on these surfaces because the tracks minimize the ground disturbance.
What can you do with a compact excavator?
Compact excavators are a great addition to work fleets and your private property. These machines are great for digging trenches, drainage ditches, landscaping, and demolishing small structures. The combination of the boom length and overall small size makes these machines great for working in hard to reach spaces.
What can you do with compact wheel loaders?
Compact wheel loaders are increasingly popular on construction and landscaping sites. They are a great in-between size between skid steers and full-size wheel loaders. These machines have relatively low fuel consumption and can use several different types of attachments.
What can you do with skid steers/compact track loaders?
These machines are extremely versatile and are great for construction, landscaping, and farming. Whether excavating, trenching, demolishing, moving hay or splitting wood, these machines are up for the task. With heavy payload capacity, these machines are forces to be reckoned with. The 317G is the smallest of the skid steers and compact track loaders line ups and is great for use on private property and landscaping jobs.
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