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ZTrak™ Zero Turn Mower

  • 25-hp (18.6 kW)*, 810 cc engine
  • 60-in. High-capacity PRO mower deck with welded deck reinforcements
  • 21-in. seat with adjustable springs for extra comfort
  • Adjustable, 3-position foot platform
$ 8,919.00 MSRP


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Smooth and powerful professional-grade V-twin engine for performance and long life

25-hp (18.6-kW) engine 25-hp (18.6-kW) engine
Engine oil fill and drain tube Engine oil fill and drain tube

Key engine features:

  • 25 hp (18.6 kW) provides plenty of power.
  • Large 44.2-cu in. (810-cc) displacement provides excellent torque.
  • V-twin cylinder design allows for easy starts, excellent power and performance, and smooth operation.
  • Engine model is HTR810.
  • Many quality features are included.
    • Cast-iron cylinder liners provide a long-wearing surface for longer engine life.
    • Overhead valve design allows the engine to breathe easily for excellent power and fuel economy.
    • Mechanical compression release provides smooth, easy starts and instant return to maximum power after starting.
Engine fin inspection/cleanout panel Engine fin inspection/cleanout panel
Engine debris chopper fan guard Engine debris chopper fan guard


    • Cooling fin inspection panels allow for checking and cleaning the engine cooling fins
    • A debris chopper fan helps keep the engine fins clean by filtering out debris and reducing the size of material that gets through so it will pass harmlessly past the engine fins.
    • The air screen cover provides protection from the rotating fan.
Engine oil check/fill and drain tube Engine oil check/fill and drain tube
Engine oil cooler Engine oil cooler
    • Full-pressure lubrication system provides plenty of oil to the engines moving parts to ensure reliable operation and long life:
      • Replaceable oil filter keeps the oil cleaner for a longer engine life and extends the time between oil changes
      • No-tools oil drain is convenient to use.
      • A flexible drain tube can be placed above a drain pan to eliminate oil spills.
    • Engine oil cooler reduces oil temperature, improves lubrication, and extends oil change intervals.
Engine air filter panel Engine air filter panel
Air filter cover removed Air filter cover removed
    • A 5-in. (12.7-cm) centrifugal multi-stage air cleaner provides maximum engine protection, especially under dirty and dusty conditions.
    • Electronic ignition contributes to fast starts.
    • Solenoid-shift starter allows for easy starts, even in cold weather.
Rear engine guard (shown on Z720E) Rear engine guard (shown on Z720E)
  • A rear engine guard protects the engine and provides additional vehicle strength and integrity.
  • A flywheel alternator provides plenty of capacity to quickly recharge the battery and power electrical equipment, such as lights or a sprayer.
    • 20-amp capacity
    • Regulated to keep the battery at a full charge without risk of overcharging
8-gal. (30.3-L) fuel capacity for extended mowing times
Easy-to-see fuel sight gauge Easy-to-see fuel sight gauge
Large fuel-fill opening and angled fuel filler neck Large fuel-fill opening and angled fuel filler neck

The large-capacity fuel tank is easy to fill, and a convenient fuel level gauge is provided:

  • Holds 8-gal. (30.3-L) of fuel to reduce time needed for refills
  • Easy to see how much fuel is in the tank by viewing the sight gauge when approaching from the front of the machine
  • Large, 3.5-in. (8.9-cm) fuel fill diameter for easy filling and minimum chance of spills
  • Fuel fill location low for easy filling, within easy reach of the operator

John Deere recommends the use of fuel stabilizer in gasoline. See Fuel-Protect for gasoline engines (8 oz [237 mL]) for more information.

High-capacity (HC) PRO Mower Decks offer superior cut quality and versatility

Z735E with 48-in. (122-cm) HC PRO Mower Deck Z735E with 48-in. (122-cm) HC PRO Mower Deck
Z740R with 54-in. (137-cm) HC PRO Mower Deck Z740R with 54-in. (137-cm) HC PRO Mower Deck

Each Z700 Series ZTrak™ Mower is equipped with either a 48-in. (122-cm), 54-in. (137-cm), or 60-in. (152-cm) HC PRO Mower Deck.

Mower/vehicle compatibility


High-capacity (HC) mower deck ZTrak model
  Z720E Z735E Z730M Z735M Z740R Z740R with Tweel® tire technology
48-in. (122-cm) High-capacity PRO X     X X X*
54-in. (137-cm) High-capacity PRO X   X X X X*
60-in. (152-cm) High-capacity PRO X X X X X X*

*Not compatible with material collection system (MCS)

Deep deck design
Deep, flat-top deck Deep, flat-top deck
Deep-deck mower design Deep-deck mower design

The mower deck has a deep-deck design:

  • Constructed from heavy, 9-gauge, 0.15-in. (3.8-mm) steel.
    • Minimizes the number of welds required
    • Has a smooth underside for reduced material buildup
  • Deep-deck design delivers excellent airflow, so large volumes of material can be processed quickly and efficiently.
  • A wider and higher discharge opening provides even clipping dispersal for an excellent finished appearance in all conditions.
  • A durable, plastic deflector spreads grass clippings evenly across the lawn, is hinged, and can be raised to minimize the storage space required.
  • 1-in. (25.4-mm) cold-forged spindles are heat-treated for strength and are supported by ball bearings.
  • Standard front rollers and two double-captured wheels provide a more even mowing job and reduce the chance of scalping.
    • Adjustable for different mowing heights
  • The front edge is raised above the blade plane to allow for even cutting of tall grass.
  • Blade overlap is greater than many conventional decks for a clean cut.
  • The mower can side-discharge, mulch, or collect material, except a Z740R equipped with Tweel tires is not compatible with a material collection system.
Mower level adjustment Mower level adjustment
  • Deck leveling and rake angle adjustment is provided at all four mower mounting points.
Reinforced leading edge
Reinforced leading edge of mower deck Reinforced leading edge of mower deck
Trim side of mower reinforcement/wear bar Trim side of mower reinforcement/wear bar

Steel reinforcing bars are welded to the front edge and trim side of the mower deck:

  • Strengthens the deck to reduce chance of damage from obstructions
  • Increased material thickness for longer life of the deck
Superior durability is designed in
Deep mower deck spindle pocket Deep mower deck spindle pocket
Flip-up spindle cover Flip-up spindle cover

The deck has deep, strong spindle pockets to keep the blades aligned, even after years of tough operation:

  • Ribs formed in the deck shell add strength where it is needed.
  • The aluminum spindle housing has 8-in. (20-cm) base for extra strength.

Flip-up spindle covers make cleaning the spindle area convenient.

Wheels and rollers
Right mower anti-scalp wheel and center rollers Right mower anti-scalp wheel and center rollers
Left mower anti-scalp wheel Left mower anti-scalp wheel

Dual-captured front and side anti-scalp wheels:

  • Give a more even mowing job and reduce the chance of scalping
  • Adjustable for different mowing heights
Step weldment
Operator step welded on mower deck Operator step welded on mower deck

A permanent step weldment is located at the left front corner of the mower deck:

  • Encourages proper entry to the operator station
  • Provides a good gripping surface for the operator’s foot
Optional MulchControl™ attachment

The MulchControl attachment makes mulching more practical for many mowing situations because it not only does an excellent job of mulching, but it also allows the mower to be easily converted for times when it is more desirable to side discharge or collect the lawn material.

Advantages of mulching grass clippings include:

  • A beautiful looking lawn
  • Grass clippings not blown onto the operator, driveways, or flower beds
  • Less fertilizer use
  • Elimination of the effort needed to dispose of clippings
How MulchControl works
Illustration of MulchControl baffle open Illustration of MulchControl baffle open
Illustration of MulchControl baffle closed Illustration of MulchControl baffle closed

MulchControl is an innovative, simple design that is easy to use and maintain:

  • The MulchControl attachment includes baffles to control the flow of material under the deck.
    • The left mower blade area is completely enclosed and optimized for mulching and will mulch even when the mower is in the side-discharge mode.
    • Baffles around the center and right blades are optimized for mulching when the discharge baffle is closed.
  • The attachment also includes mulching blades.
MulchControl handle is used to control baffle
MulchControl baffle closed MulchControl baffle closed
MulchControl handle in closed position MulchControl handle in closed position

The MulchControl handle is located on top of the mower deck and used to open and close the discharge baffle:

  • The operator is required to get off the machine in order to engage or disengage mulch mode.
  • MulchControl is well suited to the following mowing situations:
    • Operators who usually mulch, but side-discharge when grass gets too long
    • Operators who usually side discharge, but would like to be able to close the chute to control clippings
    • Operators who always mulch a main lawn, but often side discharge secondary lawns
    • Operators who bag clippings, but want to go farther before emptying bags

MulchControl puts the operator in control of the clippings. The operator can have all the benefits of mulching with the ability to easily change to side-discharge or bagging when needed.

MulchControl limitations

While in the side-discharge mode, MulchControl will still mulch about one third of the material. Therefore, the side-discharge mode is essentially a partial-mulch mode. This can be an advantage when side discharging or bagging, as it helps to reduce the amount of material being discharged. Other times this could work as a disadvantage:

  • When cutting strong southern grasses, such as Zoysia and Bermuda
  • When cutting in wet, high-growth conditions, such as those found in the Pacific Northwest United States
  • When optimum bagging and lawn clean-up is desired

MulchControl is a field-installed attachment and compatible with the 48-in. (122-cm), 54-in. (137-cm), and 60-in. (152-cm) HC PRO Mower Decks available for the Z700 Series ZTrak Mowers.

Optional 6.5-bu (229-L) ZTrak Z700 Series MCS
6.5-bu (230-L) hopper and included weights (chute, blower and attachment bar sold separately) 6.5-bu (230-L) hopper and included weights (chute, blower and attachment bar sold separately)
6.5-bu (230-L) rear hopper, chute, attachment bar, and blower 6.5-bu (230-L) rear hopper, chute, attachment bar, and blower

The 6.5-bu (230-L) rear bagger efficiently collects material from a 48-, 54-, or 60-in. (122-, 137-, or 152-cm) Mower Deck:

  • Hopper, attachment bar/bumper, Power Flow™ blower, and chute components are ordered separately to make a complete MCS.
  • A weight bracket and four 18-lb (8.2-kg) weights are included for installation on the front of the vehicle to help counterbalance the weight of the hopper. For proper ballast with complete MCS:
    • Four weights are required on a ZTrak Z700 Series equipped with a 48-in. (122-cm) Mower Deck.
    • Three weights are required on a ZTrak Z700 Series equipped with a 54-in. (137-cm) Mower Deck.
    • Two weights are required on a ZTrak Z700 Series equipped with a 60-in. (152-cm) Mower Deck.
Removing bag from 6.5-bu (230-L) hopper Removing bag from 6.5-bu (230-L) hopper
Removing bag from 6.5-bu (230-L) hopper Removing bag from 6.5-bu (230-L) hopper

The hopper design provides efficient bagging performance, clean operation, and easy-to-empty bags:

  • Two durable bags give a generous, 6.5-bu (230-L) capacity.
  • The bags lift out for easy emptying.
  • An efficient chute provides a smooth flow of material to reduce the chance of plugging.
    • The chute and Power Flow blower must be ordered separately.
  • Standard mower blades are used for bagging.
  • The air exhaust duct directs air from the hopper back and toward the ground for clean operation.
  • Convenient latch makes opening and closing the hopper easy.

NOTE: Appropriate hopper, Power Flow blower, chute, and attachment bar are required and ordered separately.



 6.5 bu (230 L)



   Hopper top

 High impact polypropylene



   Blower housing



 Ultra-high molecular weight (UHMW) polyethylene




 Directly into bags for emptying on ground or in trailer or into plastic liners

Fan diameter

 13 in. (33 cm)

Fan width

 2.75 in. (7 cm)

Number of fan blades


NOTE: MulchControl attachments and MCS components are not included in base equipment for a Z700 Series ZTrak machine and must be ordered separately.

Tweel is a trademark of Compagnie Générale des Etablissements Michelin SCA.

Operator station is adjustable for superior comfort

Operator station Operator station
Fully-adjustable operator area Fully-adjustable operator area

The operator station is designed to provide superior operator comfort for many different operators:

  • Adjustable foot platform
    • Ample legroom for comfortable operation
  • Adjustable seat position, armrests, and suspension to suit many operators
    • Dialed in for operator height and weight
  • Adjustable motion-control levers
    • Upper and lower positioning combined with forward and rearward tilt offers more legroom and hand positions
Adjustable foot platform
Adjustable foot platform Adjustable foot platform
Large foot platform Large foot platform

The patent-pending, adjustable three-position toe board allows any operator to quickly adjust the footrest position for greatest comfort:

  • Easily and without tools, each operator can adjust the location of the footrest area to the most suitable position.
    • Adjustment range of 2 in. (5.1 cm)
  • Large operator platform allows a wide range of foot positions.
  • An attractive floor mat is optional on E and M Series.
Adjustable seat
Seat with adjustable armrests Seat with adjustable armrests
Fore-aft seat adjustment lever Fore-aft seat adjustment lever

A deep, padded seat combined with adjustable armrests, adjustable fore/aft position, and adjustable suspension springs optimizes comfort for the operator:

  • High-back, 21-in. (53.3-cm) seat comes with adjustable armrests and 4-in. (10.2-cm) fore-aft adjustment.
  • Seat-adjustment lever is located at the front edge of the seat for easy use by the operator while seated.
Seat springs in rearward position Seat springs in rearward position
Seat springs in forward position Seat springs in forward position

Two steel springs under the seat absorb shocks when traveling over rough areas to provide a smoother ride:

  • Four seat spring positions adjust for operator weight and preference.
  • A rearward position may be more suitable for heavier and taller operators and a more forward position for lighter and shorter operators.
  • 4-in. (10.2-cm) long steel springs have plenty of travel to give a smooth ride.
Spring-loaded seat latch Spring-loaded seat latch

The seat is securely held down for operator comfort and safety, but is easy to raise when necessary:

  • A spring-loaded latch locks seat down when it is lowered.
  • The seat is easy to release and raise to access adjustable seat springs.
Adjustable steering levers
Steering levers in operating position Steering levers in operating position
Steering levers in park position Steering levers in park position

Adjustable steering levers are shaped for operator comfort and ease of controlling vehicle speed and direction.

Steering lever height adjustment, low Steering lever height adjustment, low
Steering lever height adjustment, high Steering lever height adjustment, high

The steering levers offer 18 different positions to accommodate operator preference for hand placement and leg clearance.

Optional light-emitting diode (LED) work lights
Light-emitting diode (LED) work lights Light-emitting diode (LED) work lights

Model year 2023 and newer R-Series Z700 ZTrak Mowers include standard LED work lights. The lights are integrated into the front of the foot platform and side fenders to protect them from damage and the elements. BUC11547 LED work lights are available as a field installed attachment to upgrade for E- and M- Series models. BUC10301 LED work light kit is for earlier model years that do not have provisions for integrated LED lights.

Cup holder and storage compartment
Deluxe cup holder with provision for cup handle Deluxe cup holder with provision for cup handle
Protected storage shown with battery cover removed Protected storage shown with battery cover removed

Operator convenience is provided with easy-to-reach deluxe cup holder and storage areas.

  • Cup holder includes room for a cup with a large handle.
  • Covered storage under the battery access panel provides protection for important items.

High-quality seat with adjustable armrests and springs for extra comfort

Seat with armrests Seat with armrests
Fore-aft seat adjustment lever Fore-aft seat adjustment lever

A deep padded seat combined with adjustable armrests, adjustable fore/aft position, and adjustable suspension springs optimizes comfort for the operator:

  • High-back, 21-in. (53.3-cm) seat with adjustable armrests and 4-in. (10.2-cm) fore-aft adjustment
  • Seat-adjustment lever located at the front edge of the seat for easy use by the operator while seated
Armrests in raised position Armrests in raised position
Armrest angle adjustment knob Armrest angle adjustment knob

Armrests can be raised for easier entry and exit from the machine.

Infinite angle adjustment of the armrest can be made by an easy-to-use thumbscrew.

Seat springs in rearward position for heavier operators Seat springs in rearward position for heavier operators
Seat springs in forward position for lighter operators Seat springs in forward position for lighter operators

Two steel springs under the seat absorb shocks when traveling over rough areas to provide a smoother ride:

  • Four seat-spring positions adjust for operator weight and preference.
  • Rearward position may be suitable for heavier and taller operators and the forward position for lighter and shorter operators.
  • Long, 4-in. (10.2-cm) springs have plenty of travel to give a smoother ride.
Spring-loaded seat latch Spring-loaded seat latch

The seat is securely held down, but easy to raise when necessary:

  • A spring-loaded latch locks seat down when it is lowered.
  • The seat is easy to release and raise to access adjustable seat springs.

Three-position, adjustable foot platform to accommodate different size operators

ZTrak™ Z720E Mower shown ZTrak™ Z720E Mower shown
ZTrak Z720E Mower shown ZTrak Z720E Mower shown

An ergonomic design and professional grade components are suitable for a wide variety of operators and conditions:

  • Comfortable operator station and convenient controls help optimize operator experience.
  • Large operator platform allows a wide range of foot positions.

Adjustable features customize the mowing experience for each operator. One of these features is an adjustable foot platform.

Operator platform designed for adjustability and comfort
Z40R operator station Z40R operator station
Three-position foot platform for operator comfort, rearward position Three-position foot platform for operator comfort, rearward position

The patent-pending, adjustable, three-position toe board allows the operator to quickly adjust the footrest position for greatest comfort:

  • Easily and without tools, each operator can adjust the location of the footrest area to the optimum position.
  • Adjustment range of 2 in. (5.1 cm) in 1-in. (2.5-cm) increments is possible.
Adjustable foot platform, forward position Adjustable foot platform, forward position
Adjustable foot platform, middle position Adjustable foot platform, middle position

Short operators may be most comfortable with the platform in the rear position (as shown above), while tall operators may be more comfortable with the platform in the forward position. Or perhaps, the middle position provides just the right amount of leg room.

Foot pegs (standard on R Series, optional on E and M Series)
Foot platform with foot pegs Foot platform with foot pegs
Foot peg mounting holes Foot peg mounting holes

Patent-pending foot pegs (standard on R Series, optional on E and M Series) provide the operator with different foot placement options.

  • Foot pegs can be adjusted into two different positions, horizontal or at an angle, to provide more variability for foot placement. The pegs also act as handles to remove and replace the foot platform.

Serviceability is designed-in for convenience

4-year bumper-to-bumper warranty*

Exclusive, 4-year, single-source, bumper-to-bumper warranty is included for all John Deere Z700 Series ZTrak mowers. The warranty places John Deere at the forefront of the mowing industry. It is hassle free, with one company handling all the paperwork.


Z720E, Z735E

4-year, 500-hour warranty

Z730M, Z735M

4-year, 750-hour warranty


4-year, 1000-hour warranty

Service interval decal
Daily service decal Daily service decal

A convenient service decal gives basic maintenance information. It provides a quick reference for keeping recommended service up to date. It is located underneath the battery cover.

Quick response (QR) codes link to owner information web pages
QR code label QR code label

To speed access to owner information web pages, a QR code is printed onto a product identification number (PIN) label located under the right steering lever. The owner information web pages that include links to:


  • Safety and how-to videos
  • Operator’s manuals
  • Parts catalogs
  • Maintenance reminder sheets
  • Attachments
  • Warranty statements
Flip-up foot platform for mower deck access
Operator foot platform Operator foot platform
Easy-to-remove foot platform (Z720E shown) Easy-to-remove foot platform (Z720E shown)

The professional-style steel foot platform is easy to remove without tools:

  • Makes cleaning grass off the top of the mower deck easier
  • Provides convenient access to the mower deck for service
Engine service
Engine oil check/fill and drain tube (Z720E, Z730M, Z740R) Engine oil check/fill and drain tube (Z720E, Z730M, Z740R)
Engine oil check/fill and drain tube (Z735E, Z735M) Engine oil check/fill and drain tube (Z735E, Z735M)

The engines are easy to service, including changing the oil and the oil filter and servicing the air filter:

  • The engine oil check/fill tube is located at the top of the engine and easy to see and reach.
  • No-tools oil drain is convenient to use. A flexible oil drain tube is included to conveniently drain oil into a pan, thus eliminating oil spills.
Engine air filter panel (Z735E engine shown) Engine air filter panel (Z735E engine shown)
Air filter cover removed (Z735E shown) Air filter cover removed (Z735E shown)
Multi-stage canister air filter system (Z740R shown) Multi-stage canister air filter system (Z740R shown)
Air filter element (Z740R shown) Air filter element (Z740R shown)

Engine air filters are at the top of the engine for easy service:

  • Z720E, Z735E, Z730M, and Z735M engines have knobs to remove the filer cover.
  • The Z740R has a heavy-duty, multi-stage canister air filter system, which uses a round primary and secondary filter that are easily accessed with latches on the end cap.
Grease fittings
Top of the mower deck Top of the mower deck

Only three grease fittings require service:

  • Three to lubricate the mower-blade spindles, two easily accessed from the spindle covers, and the third by removing the foot platform.

Battery accessibility
Battery cover Battery cover
340 CCA battery 340 CCA battery

The battery is protected from debris, dust, and moisture:

  • It is easy to access under the panel on the left-hand side of the machine.
    • Held in place by an easy-to-remove thumbscrew
  • Powerful 340 cold cranking amp (CCA) battery provides dependable starts.
Mower deck serviceability
Floating deck mounting system Floating deck mounting system
Deck-level adjustment Deck-level adjustment

A patent-pending deck-leveling system provides easy adjustment at all four mower mounting points:

  • Loosen the nut (B) slightly with a 15-mm wrench.
  • Using the open end of a 16-mm wrench on the hex fastener (A), raise or lower the deck as needed so the height of the rear blade tip is 3 to 6 mm (1/8 to 1/4 in.) higher than the front blade tip.
    • Tick marks on bracket (C) are provided to aid in observing movement.
  • When the deck is at the height needed, tighten the nut (B).
Easy-to-clean flat-top mower deck Easy-to-clean flat-top mower deck
Flip-up spindle cover for easy cleanout and maintenance Flip-up spindle cover for easy cleanout and maintenance

Serviceability is designed into the mower deck:

  • Easy access is provided by the removable operator foot platform.
  • Flat-top design minimizes places for debris to collect.
  • Spring-loaded, flip-up belt guards make removing debris easy.
  • A provision is provided for a standard, 3/8-in. (9.5-mm) ratchet wrench to be used for releasing belt tension when removing the drive belt.
Transmission bypass (tow valves)
Tow-valve control, right (knob pictured in neutral position) Tow-valve control, right (knob pictured in neutral position)

Tow-valve controls are provided for each transmission:

  • Controls are located at the rear of the machine and are easy to access.
  • Tow valves allow moving the machine in its neutral position when the engine is not running.
  • Simply, loosen the knob, push towards the front of the machine, and tighten the knob back. When finished moving the machine, return the rods to the operating position.
Built-in tie-down locations
Built-in front tie-down location, right side Built-in front tie-down location, right side
Built-in front tie-down location, left side Built-in front tie-down location, left side
Built-in rear tie-down location, right side Built-in rear tie-down location, right side
Built-in rear tie-down location, left side Built-in rear tie-down location, left side

Four tie-down locations are provided for convenience and safety when trailering the machine.

Operator digital video disc (DVD)

An operation and safety DVD is provided with each machine. Please consult the operator’s manual for other safety and operating procedures.

*Term limited to years or hours used, whichever comes first, and varies by model. See the LIMITED WARRANTY FOR NEW JOHN DEERE TURF AND UTILITY EQUIPMENT at JohnDeere.com or JohnDeere.ca/TUWarranty for details.  

Controls, including an automatic motion-control lever/parking brake system, are easy to find and use

Control panel
Control panel, Z720E, Z735E Control panel, Z720E, Z735E

The operator control panel is conveniently located to the right of the operator. The following controls are found on the right-hand console:

  • Key switch
  • Hour meter
  • Ignition switch
  • Power take-off (PTO) control
  • Engine speed control
  • Engine choke control
  • Mower cut-height dial
  • Mower transport position lock
  • Space for the optional light kit switch
Adjustable steering levers
Steering levers in operating position Steering levers in operating position
Steering levers in park position Steering levers in park position

Motion control levers are shaped and located for operator comfort and ease of control.

18-position control lever adjustment, low 18-position control lever adjustment, low
18-position control lever adjustment, high 18-position control lever adjustment, high

The motion-control levers can be adjusted to two different height settings and nine different fore-aft settings:

  • Combined height and fore/aft positions gives 18 adjustments
  • Increased operator comfort with more leg room and more hand positions
  • Adjustable for most precise control of the machine
Tracking adjustment
Convenient tracking adjustment locations Convenient tracking adjustment locations
Tracking adjustment bolt Tracking adjustment bolt

On-board tracking adjustment can be made by the operator from the operator seat.

  • A 13-mm socket wrench is required.
Parking brake integrated with motion-control levers for extra convenience
Parking brake in disengaged operating position Parking brake in disengaged operating position
Parking brake in engaged outward position Parking brake in engaged outward position

A patent-pending automatic parking brake system is designed into the steering control levers:

  • The mechanical parking brake is operated by the steering control levers.
  • The parking brake is engaged when the steering control levers are moved outward, and it is disengaged when the steering control levers are moved inward to the operating position.
  • An audible click lets the operator know the brake has fully engaged or disengaged.

The internal parking brake rotor and puck are continually lubricated and cooled for dependable operation and long life.

Mower deck lift/cut-height adjustment
Mower deck lift pedal Mower deck lift pedal
Mower lift-assist spring Mower lift-assist spring

Mower deck cutting height adjusts from 1.5 in. (3.8 cm) to 5 in. (12.7 cm) in 0.25-in. (0.64-cm) increments for excellent cut quality and performance:

  • The foot-lift pedal is used to raise the mower deck for setting cut height or locking in the raised or transport position.
  • A lift-assist spring is provided to optimize the effort it takes to raise the mower deck.
Mower deck cut-height adjustment dial Mower deck cut-height adjustment dial
Mower deck transport lock Mower deck transport lock
  • To adjust cut height, simply push down on the foot-lift pedal, adjust the dial, and release the foot-lift pedal to lower the deck to the chosen height.
  • Use the foot-lift pedal to lock the deck in transport mode. Simply depress the pedal all the way and the deck will lock into transport mode.
  • To unlock and lower the deck, push down on the foot-lift pedal, pull up on the transport unlock lever and release the foot-lift pedal to lower the deck to the chosen height.
Safety interlock system
Interlock switch is located under the seat Interlock switch is located under the seat
Operator presence system seat switch Operator presence system seat switch

Safety interlocks help prevent operating in an unsafe way:

  • The parking brake must be engaged for the engine to crank.
    • Parking brake is set when motion-control levers are in the outward position.
  • The operator presence system requires the operator to be in the seat to operate the PTO.
  • The key switch interlock prevents bypass starting.
  • If the operator leaves the seat when the PTO is engaged, controls are in the operating position, or the parking brake is not set, the engine will shut down.
  • The seat interlock switch disengages the mower when the operator leaves the seat.
  • The engine will stall if the operator leaves the seat without the motion-control levers in the outward position and the parking brake set.

Heavy-duty design delivers strength and durability

ZTrak™ Z720E Mower shown ZTrak™ Z720E Mower shown
ZTrak Z720E Mower shown ZTrak Z720E Mower shown
Formed and welded steel frame
Solid steel tube front frame	Solid steel tube front frame
Strong rear frame for support and protection (shown on Z740R) Strong rear frame for support and protection (shown on Z740R)

A strong, welded steel frame provides solid, reliable support for the machine components and operator:

  • Heavy-duty 3- x 2-in. (76.2- x 51-mm) frame tubing for durability
  • Rear frame provides solid support and protection for the engine
Large, smooth-riding front caster wheels
Large caster wheel Large caster wheel
Caster wheel spindle housing Caster wheel spindle housing

Large front caster wheels provide a smooth ride and level cut:

  • A large surface area helps to provide a smooth ride for the operator.
    • Pneumatic tires for the smoothest ride (Z720E, Z735E, Z730M, Z735M, Z740R)
    • Semi-pneumatic tires for extra reliability and durability (Z740R with Tweel® tire technology)
    • Better performance on slopes
  • Caster wheels turn easily on two maintenance-free sealed ball bearings for both the spindles and the wheel axles.
    • Long, trouble-free life
    • Designed to give smooth turns without damage to the turf
Large rear drive wheels for a smooth ride and level cut
23-in. (58.4-cm) diameter rear tire (E and M Series) 23-in. (58.4-cm) diameter rear tire (E and M Series)
24-in. (61-cm) diameter rear tire (Z740R) 24-in. (61-cm) diameter rear tire (Z740R)

Rear tires have high-quality tread and optimum size for superior traction and smooth ride:

  • Tire width is optimized for mower deck size.
    • 9.5 in. (24 cm) for 48-in. (122-cm) mowers (E, M, R Series)
    • 10.5 in. (26.7 cm) for 54-in. (137-cm) and 60-in. (152-cm) mowers (E, M Series)
    • 12 in. (30.5 cm) for 54-in. (137-cm) and 60-in. (152-cm) mowers (Z740R)
  • Tread pattern is optimized for excellent traction and minimum turf damage.
  • Special wheel design gives an enhanced appearance to the machine.
  • Optional Michelin® X® Tweel Turf airless radial tire technology on the Z740R provides extra reliability and ride quality.
Heavy-duty step weldment
Step weldment on the mower deck Step weldment on the mower deck

A heavy-duty, permanent step weldment is located at the left front corner of the mower deck:

  • Encourages proper entry to the operator station
  • Provides a good gripping surface for the operator’s foot

Michelin, X, and Tweel are trademarks of Compagnie Générale des Etablissements Michelin SCA.

Transmission offers speeds up to 8 mph (12.8 km/h) to maximize mowing efficiency

Dual Hydro-Gear® transmissions (Z740R shown) Dual Hydro-Gear® transmissions (Z740R shown)

Dual transmissions efficiently power the ZTrak™ mower forward and reverse and give steering capability:

  • The unitized hydrostatic drive features a hydraulic pump combined with a heavy-duty wheel motor into a single unit.
  • One pump and motor transmission to drive each wheel provides several benefits:
    • Exceptional cooling in high-load conditions
    • Easy-to-check fluid level and refill with hydraulic oil
      • Hydraulic oil check/fill accessed by raising the seat
  • Transmissions are set low in the vehicle for excellent hillside stability.
  • Heavy-duty components stand up to the higher loads from the larger tires and greater weight of Z700 Series ZTrak Mowers.
  • Low maintenance, unitized transmissions are sealed and have no hose connections to leak hydraulic fluid.
  • Four-bolt hubs provide a reliable and convenient wheel-mounting system.


The hydrostatic drive features two Hydro-Gear ZT-3100® transmissions for superior performance and durability:

  • Unitized hydraulic pumps and commercial-grade, heavy-duty wheel motors combined into a single unit
  • Speeds up to 8 mph (12.8 km/h)
  • Pump displacement: 0.61 cu in. (10 cc) per revolution
  • Motor displacement: 0.97 cu in. (16 cc) per revolution
  • Durable 1-in. (2.54-cm) axles for heavy loads
  • Standard shock valves for added system protection
  • Standard charge pump for increased performance
  • External oil filter for easier maintenance
Expansion tanks and tow valve controls
Transmission expansion tank and filler cap Transmission expansion tank and filler cap
Tow-valve control, right Tow-valve control, right

Transmission fluid expansion tanks are provided for each transmission. Yellow filler cap is easy to find and identify.

Tow-valve controls are provided for each transmission:

  • Controls are located on the transmissions near the expansion tanks where they are easy to reach and use.
  • Tow valves allow moving the machine in its neutral position when the engine is not running.
  • Simply, pull up on the rods and secure them into the slot. When finished moving the machine, return the rods to the operating position.

Hydro-Gear and ZT-3100 are trademarks of Hydro-Gear Limited Partnership AF Holding Company, a Delaware Corporation and Danfoss Power Solutions (US) Company, a Delaware Corporation.

Protective zone around the operator is provided by the rollover protective structure (ROPS)

Clean, open operator station Clean, open operator station
Standard folding ROPS Standard folding ROPS

The spacious operator station has been designed for comfort, visibility, and ease of use:

  • Getting on and off is easy with the flat operator platform.
  • Convenient-to-use controls are located close to the operator.
  • Operator controls are color coded and designed for easy identification and operation.

The ROPS and seat belt work in conjunction to provide a protective zone around the operator:

  • It reduces the operator’s risk of being crushed under the vehicle should it overturn.
  • In most situations, the ROPS limits the overturn to little more than 90 degrees.
  • When used with a seatbelt, the ROPS is very effective in preventing deaths and serious injuries.
    • Use of the seat belt is recommended when operating with ROPS in the upright position.
ROPS folded to mid position ROPS folded to mid position
ROPS folded to down position (hitch is base equipment on M and R Series and optional field installed kit on E Series) ROPS folded to down position (hitch is base equipment on M and R Series and optional field installed kit on E Series)

Foldable ROPS and retractable seat belt are standard equipment:

  • Position adjustment pins provide a good grip and make changing the angle of the ROPS easier.
  • Easy-fold ROPS includes a built-in isolator.
  • The ROPS can be pinned halfway down to accommodate machines equipped with a material collection system.
  • Door height of most garages will accommodate the machine with ROPS in the fully raised position.
    • Easy-fold ROPS improves the ability to store the ZTrak in structures with a lower door opening.

ROPS position Z720E and Z735E
machine height
Z730M and Z735M
machine height
machine height
Full height 71.7 in. (182.2 cm) 71.7 in. (182.2 cm) 72.1 in. (183.2 cm)
Down position 47.4 in. (120.3 cm) 49.7 in. (126.2 cm) 51 in. (129.5 cm)


Compare the specifications of up to 4 models

Key Specs z735e-ztrak-mower
Current Model
Engine power25 hp
18.6 kW
Engine model numberHTR810
Forward speed0-8 mph
0-12.8 km/h
Front caster tires13x6.5-6
Drive tires23X10.5-12 (60-in. decks)
Seat back heightHigh back with adjustable armrests, 21 in.
53 cm
Width of cut60 in.
152 cm
Mulching systemOptional MulchControl™ attachment
Warranty4 year/500 hour bumper-to-bumper* (*Term limited to years or hours used, whichever comes first, and varies by model. See the LIMITED WARRANTY FOR NEW JOHN DEERE TURF AND UTILITY EQUIPMENT at JohnDeere.com or JohnDeere.ca/TUWarranty for details.)
Power25 hp
18.6 kW
Model numberHTR810
Displacement49.4 cu in.
810 cc
LubricationFull pressure with replaceable filter, capacity, 2 U.S. qt
1.9 L
TypeOverhead valve
Battery12 V
340 CCA
Choke/speed controlSeparate control levers
Cooling methodAir
Fuel tank capacity8 U.S. gal.
30.2 L
Fuel gaugeFuel level sight line
Drive train
Dual hydrosHydro-gear ZT3100 with 1-in. (2.54-cm) axles
Travel speed
Forward speed0-8 mph
0-12.8 km/h
Reverse speed0-4 mph
0-6.4 km/h
Speed and direction controlTwin standard levers
Control adjustment2-height/18 positions
FrameHeavy-duty frame tubing
Front caster tires13x6.5-6
Front caster bearingsSealed ball bearings
Drive tires23X10.5-12 (60-in. decks)
Hour meterYes
Service interval decalYes
Storage compartmentYes
Cup holderYes
Seat back heightHigh back with adjustable armrests, 21 in.
53 cm
Fore-aft adjustmentWhile seated, 4 in.
10.2 cm
Seat suspensionTwo four-position springs
Lift system
TypeSpring assisted foot lift
Mower cut height1.5-5 in.
3.8-12.7 cm
Cut height increments0.25 in.
0.64 cm
Preset cut heightYes
Mower deck
Width of cut60 in.
152 cm
TypeHigh-capacity (HC) PRO side discharge
Mower deck material9 gauge
0.15 in.
3.8 mm
Mower drive systemV-belt
TypeElectric, 125 lb-ft
169 Nm
Wheelbase49.9 in.
126.7 cm
Overall length80.6 in.
204.6 cm
Width without mower50.6 in.
128.4 cm
Width with mower60 HC, 73.3 in.
186.1 cm
Width with mower (deflector raised for storage)60 HC, 64.8 in.
164.5 cm
HeightROPS up - 71.1 in.
182.2 cm
ROPS down - 47.4 in.
120.3 cm
WeightWith mower and fuel, 60 HC, 990 lb
449 kg
Rollover protective structure (ROPS)Yes
Slope operating limit15 degrees; 10 degrees with MCS
Operator presence systemYes
Park brake interlockYes
Operator videoYes
Buyer's notes
Note 1Flip-up and adjustable foot platform for easy service access
Warranty4 year/500 hour bumper-to-bumper* (*Term limited to years or hours used, whichever comes first, and varies by model. See the LIMITED WARRANTY FOR NEW JOHN DEERE TURF AND UTILITY EQUIPMENT at JohnDeere.com or JohnDeere.ca/TUWarranty for details.)
Optional attachments
Mulching systemOptional MulchControl attachment
Rubber floor matOptional
Light kitOptional LED work and beacon lights
Material collection system60 HC PRO Power Flow™ rear bagger, 6.5 bu
229.1 L

Accessories and Attachments


7P Poly Utility Cart7P Poly Utility Cart

Every owner of a John riding lawn and garden product is a potential customer for a high-quality, affordable utility cart. Utility carts can be used to haul a variety of materials including firewood, lawn debris, sand, dirt, mulch, garden tools, plants, and bushes.

Utility carts are designed, painted, and decaled to be compatible with other John Deere equipment.

NOTE: For proper braking and operation, the loaded weight of the cart should never exceed the weight of the tractor, or other towing unit, plus the operator. The loaded weight of any equipment towed by an EZtrak™ or ZTrak™ mower should not exceed 250 lb (113.4 kg). See the appropriate vehicle pages for the weight of the vehicle and the mower deck.

7P Poly Utility Cart7P Poly Utility Cart
  • The cart has a premium molded, high-density polyethylene box construction.
  • Compression molding process allows polyethyl­ene to be the optimum thickness in all areas for superior strength and durability.
  • Polyethylene body will not rust or dent; it stays looking new longer.
  • 0.75-in. (2-cm) x 2-in. (5-cm) stake pockets are molded in to make the addition of side extensions easy.
  • Two vertical 0.75-in. (2-cm) molded channels on each side allow easy use of dividers to separate the box into two or three compartments.
  • Ribs in the box bottom add strength and prevent the shovel from hitting bolts when emptying the cart.
  • Sloped tailgate design makes emptying the box easier; there is no tailgate to loosen or remove.
  • Styling is compatible with other John Deere equipment.
  • Pneumatic tires provide turf tread for good flotation, shock absorption, and minimal rolling resistance.
7P Utility Cart wheel7P Utility Cart wheel

Wheels are mounted on a solid, one-piece axle for durability.
Iron and Oilite® wheel bearings with grease fittings provide lubrication for long life.

The pneumatic tires offer the following:

  • Good flotation
  • Minimal rolling resistance
  • Shock absorption
Sloped tailgate
Sloped tailgate for easy emptyingSloped tailgate for easy emptying

A sloped tailgate design makes emptying the box easier; there is no tailgate to loosen or remove.

Tractor hitch
Spring-pin tractor hitchSpring-pin tractor hitch

A large-diameter hitch pin provides plenty of strength:

  • Fast, easy attachment to the tractor hitch
  • Spring pin to ensure the pin stays in place
Tilt latch
Tilt latchTilt latch

An easy-to-use, spring-loaded dump latch allows tilting the box for easier unloading. A steep dump angle makes emptying the cart easier.

Model comparison chart

Comparison with similar models

ModelOrder throughBox capacity (heaped)Material thicknessMaximum weight Vehicle compatibility
7POrder Zone7 cu ft (0.20 m3)High-density polyethylene (HDPE)**450 lb* (204 kg)EZtrak, ZTrak, 100 Series, S240, X300 Series, X500 Series, X700 Series
8YOrder Zone8 cu ft (0.22 m3)HDPE**300 lb* (136 kg) (tow)100 Series, S240, X300 Series, X500 Series, X700 Series
10POrder Zone10 cu ft (0.28 m3)Polypropylene650 lb* (295 kg)EZtrak, ZTrak, 100 Series, S240, X300 Series, X500 Series, X700 Series
13Order Zone13 cu ft (0.37 m3)16-gauge, 0.06-in. (1.5-mm) steel1,000 lb* (454 kg)100 Series, S240, X300 Series, X500 Series, X700 Series
16YSOrder Zone17 cu ft (0.48 m3)Polypropylene800 lb (363 kg), 350 lb (158 kg) when using swivel feature to dump100 Series, S240, X300 Series, X500 Series, X700 Series
17POrder Zone17 cu ft (0.48 m3)Polypropylene1,000 lb* (454 kg)100 Series, S240, X300 Series, X500 Series, X700 Series
18Order Zone18 cu ft (0.51 m3)16-gauge, 0.06-in. (1.5-mm) steel1,000 lb* (454 kg)100 Series, S240, X300 Series, X500 Series, X700 Series
21Order Zone21 cu ft (0.59 m3)16-gauge, 0.06-in. (1.5-mm) steel1,000 lb* (454 kg)X700 Series

*The total weight of the cart and payload. For proper braking and operation, the loaded weight of the cart should never exceed the weight of the tractor, or other towing unit, plus the operator. The loaded weight of any equipment towed by an EZtrak or ZTrak mower should not exceed 250 lb (113.4 kg). The maximum weight for the 21 Utility Cart is rated at 20 mph (32.2 km/h).

**HDPE is compression molded for optimum thickness in all areas and maximum durability.












Box capacity
Heaped7 cu ft (0.20 m3)8 cu ft (0.22 m3)10 cu ft (0.28 m3)13 cu ft (0.37 m3)

17 cu ft (0.48 m3)

17 cu ft (0.48 m3)18 cu ft (0.51 m3)21 cu ft (0.59 m3)
Struck5.6 cu ft (0.16 m3)6.6 cu ft (0.19 m3)8.3 cu ft (0.24 m3)10 cu ft (0.28 m3)

15 cu ft (0.42 m3)

14 cu ft (0.40 m3)15 cu ft (0.42 m3)15 cu ft (0.42 m3)
Maximum weight450 lb* (204 kg)300 lb* (136 kg)650 lb* (295 kg)1,000 lb* (454 kg)800 lb* (363 kg), 350 lb (158 kg) when using swivel feature to dump1,000 lb* (454 kg)1,000 lb* (454 kg)1,000 lb* (454 kg)
Box dimensions 
Width33 in. (84 cm)33.68 in. (85.5 cm)30.3 in. (77 cm)30.25 in. (76.8 cm)

39.5 in. (100.3 cm)

39.5 in. (100.3 cm)38 in. (96.5 cm)48 in. (122 cm)
Length45 in. (114 cm)45 in. (114 cm)44.5 in. (113 cm)48 in. (122 cm)

58.5 in. (148.6 cm)

58.5 in. (148.6 cm)48 in. (122 cm)48 in. (122 cm)
Depth10.5 in. (27 cm)10.75 in. (27.3cm)12 in. (30.5 cm)12 in. (30.5 cm)

15.5 in. (39.4 cm)

15.5 in. (39.4 cm)18 in. (45.7 cm)11 in. (27.9 cm)
Box construction MoldedMoldedMoldedWeldedMoldedMoldedWeldedBolted
MaterialHigh-density polyethylene (HDPE)**HDPE** w/UV inhibitorPolypropylene16-gauge, 0.06-in. (1.5-mm) steelPolypropylenePolypropylene16-gauge, 0.06-in. (1.5-mm) steel16-gauge, 0.06-in. (1.5-mm) steel
TailgateNone, slopedNone, slopedNone, slopedHingedNone, slopedNone, slopedHingedLift-out/swing-out
Pneumatic tires 2 ply---2 ply2 ply4 ply4 ply4 ply2 ply
Tread designTurfKnobbyTurfTurfTurfTurfTurfTurf
Recommended inflation pressure30 psi (207 kPa)30 psi (207 kPa)14 psi (97 kPa)14 psi (97 kPa)35 psi (241 kPa)28 psi (193 kPa)28 psi (193 kPa)10 psi (70 kPa)
Wheel bearingsIron/OiliteNoneIron/OiliteIron/OiliteIron/OiliteIron/OiliteIron/Oilite Ball bearings, double sealed
Grease fittings on wheelsYesNoneYesYesYesYesYesNone
Axle diameter0.75 in. (1.905 cm)0.75 in. (1.905 cm)0.75 in. (1.905 cm)0.75 in. (1.905 cm)

0.75 in. (1.905 cm)

0.75 in. (1.905 cm)1 in. (2.54 cm)1 in. (2.54 cm)
Ground clearance5.62 in. (14.3 cm)5.25 in. (13.3 cm)6.5 in. (16.5 cm)6.5 in. (16.5 cm)

14.25 in. (36.2 cm)

14.25 in. (36.2 cm)7 in. (17.8 cm)8.25 in. (21 cm)
Width, overall34 in. (86.4 cm)33.68 in. (85.5 cm)38 in. (96.5 cm)38 in. (96.5 cm)

39.5 in. (100.3 cm)

39.5 in. (100.3 cm)38 in. (96.5 cm)48 in. (122 cm)
Hitch pin Pin/spring clipPin/spring clipPin/spring clipPin/spring clipPin/spring clipPin/spring clipPin/spring clipPin/spring clip
Dump angles55 degrees55 degrees56 degrees31 degrees46 degrees46 degrees35/40 degrees35/40 degrees
Maximum tongue weight 100 lb (45.4 kg) 100 lb (45.4 kg) 70 lb (31.75 kg) 100 lb (45.4 kg)50 lb (22 kg) 100 lb (45.4 kg) 100 lb (45.4 kg) 100 lb (45.4 kg)
Shipping weight with carton68 lb (31 kg)65 lb (29.5 kg)79 lb (35.8 kg)110 lb (49.9 kg)---105 lb (47.6 kg)170 lb (77.1 kg)240 lb (109 kg)
Net weight65 lb (29 kg)55 lb (25 kg)72 lb (32.7 kg)105 lb (47.6 kg)103 lb (47 kg)105 lb (47.6 kg)150 lb (68 kg)220 lb (99.8 kg)

*Total weight of the cart and payload. For proper braking and operation, the loaded weight of the cart should never exceed the weight of the tractor, or other towing unit, plus the operator. The loaded weight of any equipment towed by an EZtrak or ZTrak mower should not exceed 250 lb (113.4 kg).

**HDPE is compression molded for optimum thickness in all areas and maximum durability.

Tractor compatibility and requirements

Utility Carts

Chart below shows vehicle compatibility.

An X indicates cart can be used with the pulling unit.

NOTE: For proper braking and operation, the loaded weight of the cart should never exceed the weight of the tractor, or other towing unit, plus the operator. The loaded weight of any equipment towed by an EZtrak or ZTrak mower should not exceed 250 lb (113.4 kg). The chart shows which utility carts are compatible with the vehicle.


 7P8Y10P1316YS 17P1821
EZtrak Z225, Z235, Z245, Z255, Z425, Z435, Z445, Z465, Z625, Z645, Z655, Z665
ZTrak Z335E, Z355E, Z335M, Z345M, Z345R, Z355R, Z375R, Z525E, Z535M, Z540M, Z535R, Z540R, Z720E, Z735E, Z730M, Z735M, Z740R
X X     
L100, L108, L110, L111, L118, L120, L130
102, 115, 125, 135, 145, 155C, 190C, LA100, LA110, LA120, LA130, LA140, LA150, LA105, LA115, LA125, LA135 LE, LA135 SE, LA145, LA155, LA165, LA175, D100, D105, D110, D120, D125, D130, D140, D150, D155, D160, D170, E100, E110, E120, E130, E140, E150, E160, E170, E180
LT150, LT160, LT180, LT190, LTR180XXX XX  
LX280, LX280AWS, LX289XXX XX  
X300, X300R, X304, X310, X320, X324, X340, X360,
X330, X350, X350R, X354, X370, X380, X384, X390, X394
SST15, SST16, SST18XXX     
GT235, GT245XXXXXX  
GX255, GX335, GX345, GX355XXXXXX  
X500, X520, X530, X534, X540
X570, X580, X584, X590
X465, X475, X485, X495, X575, X585, X595XXXXXXXX
X700, X720, X724, X728, X729, X740, X744, X748, X749
X710, X730, X734, X738, X739, X750, X754, X758

For proper braking and operation, the loaded weight of the cart should never exceed the weight of the tractor, or other towing unit, plus the operator. The loaded weight of any equipment towed by an EZtrak or ZTrak mower should not exceed 250 lb (113.4 kg). See the appropriate vehicle pages for the weight of the vehicle and the mower deck. Additional weight can be added to the vehicle by the following methods:


Tractor Additional weight
L100, L108, L110, L111, L118, L120, L130
102, 115, 125, 135, 145, 155C, 190C, LA100, LA110, LA120, LA130, LA140, LA150, LA105, LA115, LA125, LA135 LE, LA135 SE, LA145, LA155, LA165, LA175, D100, D105, D110, D120, D130, D140, D150, D155, D160, D170, E100, E110, E120, E130, E140, E150, E160, E170, E180
Two 30-lb (14-kg) wheel weights, front
Two 42-lb (19-kg) suitcase weights, rear
S240Two 34-lb (15-kg) wheel weights, front
(4) 42-lb (19-kg) suitcase weights, rear
LT150, LT160, LT180, LT190, LTR180Two 34-lb (15-kg) wheel weights, front
Two 31-lb (14.1-kg) plastic shell wheel weights, rear (not for LT190)
LX280, LX280AWS, LX289
X300, X300R, X304, X310, X320, X324, X340, X360
X330, X350, X350R, X354, X370, X380, X384, X390, X394
Two 34-lb (15-kg) wheel weights, front
Four 42-lb (19-kg) suitcase weights, rear
SST15, SST16, SST18One 88-lb (40-kg) weight kit, front
Three 40-lb (18-kg) weights, rear
G100Two 50-lb (23-kg) wheel weights, rear
Two 42-lb (19-kg) suitcase weights, rear
G110Two 50-lb (23-kg) plastic shell rear wheel weights
GT235, GT245Two 30-lb (14-kg) wheel weights, front
Four 42-lb (19-kg) suitcase weights, front
Four 42-lb (19-kg) suitcase weights, rear
Four 50-lb (23-kg) wheel weights, rear
Two 50-lb (23-kg) plastic shell wheel weights, rear
GX255, GX335, GX345, GX355
X500, X520, X530, X534, X540
X570, X580, X584, X590
Two 30-lb (14-kg) wheel weights, front
Four 42-lb (19-kg) suitcase weights, front
Four 42-lb (19-kg) suitcase weights, rear
Four 50-lb (23-kg) wheel weights, rear
Two 50-lb (23-kg) wheel plastic shell weights, rear

X465, X475, X485, X495, X575, X585, X595
X700, X720, X724, X728, X729, X740, X744, X748, X749
X710, X730, X734, X738, X739, X750, X754, X758

Four 42-lb (19-kg) suitcase weights, front
Two 70-lb (32-kg) wheel cast-iron starter weights, rear
Four 50-lb (23-kg) cast-iron wheel weights, rear
Two 50-lb (23-kg) plastic shell wheel weights, rear
Six 42-lb (19-kg) suitcase weights, rear
Ordering information

Please contact a local John Deere dealer for availability and pricing information.

7P Poly Utility Cart
Order number: LP21935

Oilite is a trademark of Beemer Precision, Incorporated.

10P Poly Utility Cart10P Poly Utility Cart

Every owner of a John Deere riding lawn and garden product is a potential customer for a high-quality, affordable utility cart.

Utility carts can be used to haul a variety of materials:

  • Firewood
  • Lawn debris
  • Sand
  • Dirt
  • Mulch
  • Garden tools
  • Plants and bushes

The 10P Utility Cart is designed, painted, and decaled to be compatible with other John Deere equipment:

  • Large 650-lb (295-kg) capacity
  • 10-cu ft (283-L), heavy-duty, 0.25-in. (6.4-mm) thick poly bed
  • Will not dent or rust
  • 15x6 tubeless pneumatic tires with turf tread for maximum traction
  • Easy, hands-free foot pedal dump release
  • Steep dump angle for complete emptying


A convenient foot pedal dump release kit, LP48017, which now comes standard on all 10P and 17P carts is available to retrofit existing poly carts. This kit allows the operator to use both hands to lift the cart bed for more natural and efficient unloading.


Model comparison chart

Comparison with similar models

ModelOrder throughBox capacity (heaped)Material thicknessMaximum weight Vehicle compatibility
7POrder Zone7 cu ft (0.20 m3)High-density polyethylene (HDPE)**450 lb* (204 kg)EZtrak™, ZTrak™, 100 Series, S240, X300 Series, X500 Series, X700 Series
8YOrder Zone8 cu ft (0.22 m3)HDPE**300 lb* (136 kg) (tow)100 Series, S240, X300 Series, X500 Series, X700 Series
10POrder Zone10 cu ft (0.28 m3)Polypropylene650 lb* (295 kg)EZtrak, ZTrak, 100 Series, S240, X300 Series, X500 Series, X700 Series
13Order Zone13 cu ft (0.37 m3)16-gauge, 0.06-in. (1.5-mm) steel1,000 lb* (454 kg)100 Series, S240, X300 Series, X500 Series, X700 Series
16YSOrder Zone17 cu ft (0.48 m3)Polypropylene800 lb (363 kg), 350 lb (158 kg) when using swivel feature to dump100 Series, S240, X300 Series, X500 Series, X700 Series
17POrder Zone17 cu ft (0.48 m3)Polypropylene1,000 lb* (454 kg)100 Series, S240, X300 Series, X500 Series, X700 Series
18Order Zone18 cu ft (0.51 m3)16-gauge, 0.06-in. (1.5-mm) steel1,000 lb* (454 kg)100 Series, S240, X300 Series, X500 Series, X700 Series
21Order Zone21 cu ft (0.59 m3)16-gauge, 0.06-in. (1.5-mm) steel1,000 lb* (454 kg)X700 Series

*The total weight of the cart and payload. For proper braking and operation, the loaded weight of the cart should never exceed the weight of the tractor, or other towing unit, plus the operator. The loaded weight of any equipment towed by an EZtrak or ZTrak mower should not exceed 250 lb (113.4 kg). The maximum weight for the 21 Utility Cart is rated at 20 mph (32.2 km/h).

**HDPE is compression molded for optimum thickness in all areas and maximum durability.












Box capacity
Heaped7 cu ft (0.20 m3)8 cu ft (0.22 m3)10 cu ft (0.28 m3)13 cu ft (0.37 m3)

17 cu ft (0.48 m3)

17 cu ft (0.48 m3)18 cu ft (0.51 m3)21 cu ft (0.59 m3)
Struck5.6 cu ft (0.16 m3)6.6 cu ft (0.19 m3)8.3 cu ft (0.24 m3)10 cu ft (0.28 m3)

15 cu ft (0.42 m3)

14 cu ft (0.40 m3)15 cu ft (0.42 m3)15 cu ft (0.42 m3)
Maximum weight450 lb* (204 kg)300 lb* (136 kg)650 lb* (295 kg)1,000 lb* (454 kg)800 lb* (363 kg), 350 lb (158 kg) when using swivel feature to dump1,000 lb* (454 kg)1,000 lb* (454 kg)1,000 lb* (454 kg)
Box dimensions 
Width33 in. (84 cm)33.68 in. (85.5 cm)30.3 in. (77 cm)30.25 in. (76.8 cm)

39.5 in. (100.3 cm)

39.5 in. (100.3 cm)38 in. (96.5 cm)48 in. (122 cm)
Length45 in. (114 cm)45 in. (114 cm)44.5 in. (113 cm)48 in. (122 cm)

58.5 in. (148.6 cm)

58.5 in. (148.6 cm)48 in. (122 cm)48 in. (122 cm)
Depth10.5 in. (27 cm)10.75 in. (27.3cm)12 in. (30.5 cm)12 in. (30.5 cm)

15.5 in. (39.4 cm)

15.5 in. (39.4 cm)18 in. (45.7 cm)11 in. (27.9 cm)
Box construction MoldedMoldedMoldedWeldedMoldedMoldedWeldedBolted
MaterialHigh-density polyethylene (HDPE)**HDPE** w/UV inhibitorPolypropylene16-gauge, 0.06-in. (1.5-mm) steelPolypropylenePolypropylene16-gauge, 0.06-in. (1.5-mm) steel16-gauge, 0.06-in. (1.5-mm) steel
TailgateNone, slopedNone, slopedNone, slopedHingedNone, slopedNone, slopedHingedLift-out/swing-out
Pneumatic tires 2 ply---2 ply2 ply4 ply4 ply4 ply2 ply
Tread designTurfKnobbyTurfTurfTurfTurfTurfTurf
Recommended inflation pressure30 psi (207 kPa)30 psi (207 kPa)14 psi (97 kPa)14 psi (97 kPa)35 psi (241 kPa)28 psi (193 kPa)28 psi (193 kPa)10 psi (70 kPa)
Wheel bearingsIron/OiliteNoneIron/OiliteIron/OiliteIron/OiliteIron/OiliteIron/Oilite Ball bearings, double sealed
Grease fittings on wheelsYesNoneYesYesYesYesYesNone
Axle diameter0.75 in. (1.905 cm)0.75 in. (1.905 cm)0.75 in. (1.905 cm)0.75 in. (1.905 cm)

0.75 in. (1.905 cm)

0.75 in. (1.905 cm)1 in. (2.54 cm)1 in. (2.54 cm)
Ground clearance5.62 in. (14.3 cm)5.25 in. (13.3 cm)6.5 in. (16.5 cm)6.5 in. (16.5 cm)

14.25 in. (36.2 cm)

14.25 in. (36.2 cm)7 in. (17.8 cm)8.25 in. (21 cm)
Width, overall34 in. (86.4 cm)33.68 in. (85.5 cm)38 in. (96.5 cm)38 in. (96.5 cm)

39.5 in. (100.3 cm)

39.5 in. (100.3 cm)38 in. (96.5 cm)48 in. (122 cm)
Hitch pin Pin/spring clipPin/spring clipPin/spring clipPin/spring clipPin/spring clipPin/spring clipPin/spring clipPin/spring clip
Dump angles55 degrees55 degrees56 degrees31 degrees46 degrees46 degrees35/40 degrees35/40 degrees
Maximum tongue weight 100 lb (45.4 kg) 100 lb (45.4 kg) 70 lb (31.75 kg) 100 lb (45.4 kg)50 lb (22 kg) 100 lb (45.4 kg) 100 lb (45.4 kg) 100 lb (45.4 kg)
Shipping weight with carton68 lb (31 kg)65 lb (29.5 kg)79 lb (35.8 kg)110 lb (49.9 kg)---105 lb (47.6 kg)170 lb (77.1 kg)240 lb (109 kg)
Net weight65 lb (29 kg)55 lb (25 kg)72 lb (32.7 kg)105 lb (47.6 kg)103 lb (47 kg)105 lb (47.6 kg)150 lb (68 kg)220 lb (99.8 kg)

*Total weight of the cart and payload. For proper braking and operation, the loaded weight of the cart should never exceed the weight of the tractor, or other towing unit, plus the operator. The loaded weight of any equipment towed by an EZtrak or ZTrak mower should not exceed 250 lb (113.4 kg).

**HDPE is compression molded for optimum thickness in all areas and maximum durability.

Tractor compatibility and requirements

Utility Carts

Chart below shows vehicle compatibility.

An X indicates cart can be used with the pulling unit.

NOTE: For proper braking and operation, the loaded weight of the cart should never exceed the weight of the tractor, or other towing unit, plus the operator. The loaded weight of any equipment towed by an EZtrak or ZTrak mower should not exceed 250 lb (113.4 kg). The chart shows which utility carts are compatible with the vehicle.


 7P8Y10P1316YS 17P1821
EZtrak Z225, Z235, Z245, Z255, Z425, Z435, Z445, Z465, Z625, Z645, Z655, Z665
ZTrak Z335E, Z355E, Z335M, Z345M, Z345R, Z355R, Z375R, Z525E, Z535M, Z540M, Z535R, Z540R, Z720E, Z735E, Z730M, Z735M, Z740R
X X     
L100, L108, L110, L111, L118, L120, L130
102, 115, 125, 135, 145, 155C, 190C, LA100, LA110, LA120, LA130, LA140, LA150, LA105, LA115, LA125, LA135 LE, LA135 SE, LA145, LA155, LA165, LA175, D100, D105, D110, D120, D125, D130, D140, D150, D155, D160, D170, E100, E110, E120, E130, E140, E150, E160, E170, E180
LT150, LT160, LT180, LT190, LTR180XXX XX  
LX280, LX280AWS, LX289XXX XX  
X300, X300R, X304, X310, X320, X324, X340, X360,
X330, X350, X350R, X354, X370, X380, X384, X390, X394
SST15, SST16, SST18XXX     
GT235, GT245XXXXXX  
GX255, GX335, GX345, GX355XXXXXX  
X500, X520, X530, X534, X540
X570, X580, X584, X590
X465, X475, X485, X495, X575, X585, X595XXXXXXXX
X700, X720, X724, X728, X729, X740, X744, X748, X749
X710, X730, X734, X738, X739, X750, X754, X758

For proper braking and operation, the loaded weight of the cart should never exceed the weight of the tractor, or other towing unit, plus the operator. The loaded weight of any equipment towed by an EZtrak or ZTrak mower should not exceed 250 lb (113.4 kg). See the appropriate vehicle pages for the weight of the vehicle and the mower deck. Additional weight can be added to the vehicle by the following methods:


Tractor Additional weight
L100, L108, L110, L111, L118, L120, L130
102, 115, 125, 135, 145, 155C, 190C, LA100, LA110, LA120, LA130, LA140, LA150, LA105, LA115, LA125, LA135 LE, LA135 SE, LA145, LA155, LA165, LA175, D100, D105, D110, D120, D130, D140, D150, D155, D160, D170, E100, E110, E120, E130, E140, E150, E160, E170, E180
Two 30-lb (14-kg) wheel weights, front
Two 42-lb (19-kg) suitcase weights, rear
S240Two 34-lb (15-kg) wheel weights, front
(4) 42-lb (19-kg) suitcase weights, rear
LT150, LT160, LT180, LT190, LTR180Two 34-lb (15-kg) wheel weights, front
Two 31-lb (14.1-kg) plastic shell wheel weights, rear (not for LT190)
LX280, LX280AWS, LX289
X300, X300R, X304, X310, X320, X324, X340, X360
X330, X350, X350R, X354, X370, X380, X384, X390, X394
Two 34-lb (15-kg) wheel weights, front
Four 42-lb (19-kg) suitcase weights, rear
SST15, SST16, SST18One 88-lb (40-kg) weight kit, front
Three 40-lb (18-kg) weights, rear
G100Two 50-lb (23-kg) wheel weights, rear
Two 42-lb (19-kg) suitcase weights, rear
G110Two 50-lb (23-kg) plastic shell rear wheel weights
GT235, GT245Two 30-lb (14-kg) wheel weights, front
Four 42-lb (19-kg) suitcase weights, front
Four 42-lb (19-kg) suitcase weights, rear
Four 50-lb (23-kg) wheel weights, rear
Two 50-lb (23-kg) plastic shell wheel weights, rear
GX255, GX335, GX345, GX355
X500, X520, X530, X534, X540
X570, X580, X584, X590
Two 30-lb (14-kg) wheel weights, front
Four 42-lb (19-kg) suitcase weights, front
Four 42-lb (19-kg) suitcase weights, rear
Four 50-lb (23-kg) wheel weights, rear
Two 50-lb (23-kg) wheel plastic shell weights, rear

X465, X475, X485, X495, X575, X585, X595
X700, X720, X724, X728, X729, X740, X744, X748, X749
X710, X730, X734, X738, X739, X750, X754, X758

Four 42-lb (19-kg) suitcase weights, front
Two 70-lb (32-kg) wheel cast-iron starter weights, rear
Four 50-lb (23-kg) cast-iron wheel weights, rear
Two 50-lb (23-kg) plastic shell wheel weights, rear
Six 42-lb (19-kg) suitcase weights, rear

Ordering information
Please contact a local John Deere dealer for availability and pricing information.

10P Poly Utility Cart
Order number: LPPCT10JD

Oilite is a trademark of Beemer Precision, Incorporated.


Magnetic hitch pinMagnetic hitch pin

Fits John Deere lawn and garden tow behind attachments.

  • Strong magnetic grip
  • Rust resistant
  • Easy to install, secure fit
Ordering information

Customers, please contact your local John Deere dealer for availability and pricing information.

Magnetic hitch pin

Order number: LP63768

Mcs Chutes

Power Flow chutePower Flow chute
Chute handleChute handle

The Power Flow chute is required, along with the high-performance Power Flow blower, to use the two-bag Power Flow material collection system. The chute includes a convenient handle and a fill indicator that tells the operator when the bags are getting full. A bungee cord holds the chute securely to the Power Flow blower. It permits quick installation and removal of the chute.

Mcs Hoppers

Attachment barAttachment bar
Attachment barAttachment bar

The attachment bar, required for MCS installation, bolts to the ZTrak mower frame to support the hopper.

NOTE: When installing on M and R Series machines, remove the rear hitch from the engine shroud and re-install the hitch onto the attachment bar/bumper.

Hopper and included weight bracket and weightsHopper and included weight bracket and weights
6.5-bu (229-L) hopper installed6.5-bu (229-L) hopper installed

Ballast bracket and weights are included with the hopper attachment.

Weight bracket and weights includedWeight bracket and weights included
Front weights installed on a Z735M with a 54-in. (137-cm) Mower DeckFront weights installed on a Z735M with a 54-in. (137-cm) Mower Deck

Four weights are included. For proper ballast with a complete material collection system, the number of weights required to be installed on the machine depends on the mower deck size as follows:

  • 48-in. (122-cm) mower deck requires four weights
  • 54-in. (137-cm) mower deck requires three weights
  • 60-in. (152-cm) mower deck requires two weights  

The appropriate Power Flow™ blower, chute, and attachment bar/bumper are sold separately and are required for installation of a complete material collection system.

6.5-bu (229-L) rear bagger (attachment bar/bumper, chute, and blower must be ordered separately)6.5-bu (229-L) rear bagger (attachment bar/bumper, chute, and blower must be ordered separately)

The 6.5-bu (229-L) rear bagger efficiently collects material from the mower deck:

  • A Power Flow blower (ordered separately) on the end of the mower deck moves material up the chute (ordered separately) and into the hopper.
  • A weight bracket and four 18-lb (8.2-kg) weights are included for installation on the front of the vehicle to help counterbalance the weight of the hopper.
Removing bag from 6.5-bu (229-L) hopperRemoving bag from 6.5-bu (229-L) hopper
Removing bag from 6.5-bu (229-L) hopperRemoving bag from 6.5-bu (229-L) hopper

The hopper design provides efficient bagging performance, clean operation, and easy-to-empty bags:

  • Two durable bags give a generous 6.5-bu (229-L) capacity.
  • The bags lift out for easy emptying.
  • Efficient chute provides a smooth flow of material to reduce the chance of plugging.
    • The chute and Power Flow blower must be ordered separately.
  • Standard mower blades are used for bagging.
  • Air exhaust duct directs air from the hopper back and toward the ground for clean operation.
  • Convenient latch makes opening and closing the hopper easy.

NOTE: Appropriate Power Flow blower, chute, and attachment bar are required (ordered separately).

Mcs Power Flow Blowers

Power Flow blowerPower Flow blower
Blower mounting armBlower mounting arm

The Power Flow blower can be used with the ZTrak Z700 Series. It, along with the hopper and chute, will provide 6.5-bu (229-L) material collection system capability, giving added versatility and value.

Cleanout position shown with similar blowerCleanout position shown with similar blower

The Power Flow blower is mounted on a sturdy swing arm that allows easy installation and cleanout.


Beacon light installed on rollover protective structure (ROPS)Beacon light installed on rollover protective structure (ROPS)

This light kit signals that the unit is approaching. The light is positioned near the top of the ROPS with a breakaway bracket; this ensures that, if struck, the light will not break but will move out of the way.

NOTE: Compatible with ZTrak™ Z700 E and M Series machines only.

Cargo basketCargo basket

Designed to carry smaller hand tools and similar items (20 lb weight limit):

  • Not compatible with a complete material collection system
  • Not compatible with the toolbox kit
Foot pegs in angled positionFoot pegs in angled position
Foot pegs in horizontal positionFoot pegs in horizontal position

Foot pegs are standard equipment on the ZTrak™ Z740R Mower and optional field installed kits on E and M Series. They provide the operator with more foot-placement options:

  • Mounting holes are pre-drilled in the foot platform for installation.
  • They can be adjusted into two different positions, horizontal and at an angle, providing more variability for foot placement during operation.
  • The foot pegs also act as handles to remove and reposition the foot platform.
Jack kit and jack installedJack kit and jack installed
Using jack mounting pinUsing jack mounting pin

The jack allows easy access to the underside of the mower for maintenance or blade changing while in the field. The kit contains everything necessary to install the jack onto the front of a mower.

Using jack mounting pinUsing jack mounting pin
Jack shown in storage positionJack shown in storage position

Holes in the vehicle frame cross member are pre-drilled for ease of installation:

  • The jack makes servicing the underside of the mower deck safer and easier.
  • Placed in the storage position, the jack can be carried on the machine, available for use.
    • The jack will need to be removed when using front ballast that is required for a rear material collection system, so it is not compatible with a material collection system.
LED light kit, lights offLED light kit, lights off
LED light kit, lights onLED light kit, lights on

The front light kit provides the ability to mow at twilight, increasing productivity hours. LED bulbs provide superior lighting. Mounting brackets are adjustable for aiming the light beam.

Includes instructions, two lights, and mounting hardware.

Compatible with all Z700 ZTrak™ Mowers.

String trimmer mount on Z730MString trimmer mount on Z730M
Main bracketMain bracket
Secondary bracketSecondary bracket

The main bracket fits snugly over the right side fender and the secondary bracket mounts to the caster arm on the discharge side of the machine.  Rubber straps are provided to secure the trimmer in place. Not compatible with a complete material collection system.

Sun canopySun canopy
Sun canopySun canopy

This kit is compatible with all Z700 Series ZTrak™ Mowers.

Not compatible with beacon light kit.

Ordering information

Please contact a local John Deere dealer for availability and pricing information.

Sun canopy
Order number: LPA11548

Toolbox kitToolbox kit

The toolbox kit provides easy access and convenient storage for small, hand-held tools:

  • Mounts to rollover protective structure (ROPS) above the engine
  • Not compatible with a complete material collection system (MCS)
  • Not compatible with the cargo basket
Traction mat on Z740R shown with optional foot pegsTraction mat on Z740R shown with optional foot pegs

The traction mat/floor mat is compatible with all Z700 Series ZTrak™ Mowers. It provides extra comfort and traction on the foot platform.

  • Compatible with optional foot pegs.
Trash receptacle kitTrash receptacle kit

The trash receptacle kit enables trash pickup and storage without the need to leave the mower seat. It includes everything needed:

  • A bracket for mounting for a 5-gal. (19-L) bucket and trash-grabbing apparatus
  • A 5-gal. (19-L) bucket
  • Trash-grabbing apparatus (may appear different than image pictured)

A mounting bracket keeps the bucket out of the way and is designed to be mounted opposite the trim side of the mower:

  • Strong, long lasting, and will meet a variety of operator needs
  • Saves time – tool and receptacle for collecting trash are located close to the operator
  • No need for plastic trash bags hanging from the mower
  • Accommodates debris that can cause damage to a mower 
Yard tool kitYard tool kit

The yard tool kit provides the ability to carry yard tools such as a rake and a shovel on the machine. The kit consists of an upper bracket and lower bracket and can be mounted on either the right or the left side of the rear engine shroud. A maximum of two yard tool kits are compatible with the machine.

  • Mounts to side of rear engine shroud
  • Not compatible with a material collection system (MCS).

Mulch Kits

MulchControl advantages and benefits
ZTrak™ Z730M mowingZTrak™ Z730M mowing

The MulchControl attachment makes mulching more practical for many mowing situations because it not only does an excellent job of mulching but it also allows the mower to be easily converted for times when it is more desirable to side discharge or collect the lawn material. Advantages of mulching grass clippings include:

  • A beautiful looking lawn
  • Grass clippings not blown onto the operator, driveways, or flower beds
  • Less fertilizer use
  • Elimination of the effort needed to dispose of clippings
How MulchControl works

MulchControl is an innovative, simple design that is easy to use and maintain:

  • The MulchControl attachment includes baffles to control the flow of material under the deck.
    • The left mower blade area is completely enclosed and optimized for mulching, thus will mulch even when the mower is in the side-discharge mode.
    • Baffles around the center and right blades are optimized for mulching when the discharge baffle is closed.
MulchControl handle in mulch-off positionMulchControl handle in mulch-off position
MulchControl baffle openMulchControl baffle open
  • The MulchControl handle is located on top of the mower deck and used to open and close the discharge baffle.
    • The operator is required to get off of the machine in order to engage or disengage mulch mode.
  • Changing from mulching to side discharge or vice versa takes only a few seconds.
MulchControl handle in mulch-on positionMulchControl handle in mulch-on position
MulchControl baffle closedMulchControl baffle closed

MulchControl is well-suited to the following mowing situations:

  • Usually mulch, but side discharge when grass gets too long
  • Usually side discharge, but would like to be able to close the chute to control clippings
  • Always mulch a main lawn, but often side discharge secondary lawns
  • Bag clippings, but want to go farther before emptying bags

MulchControl puts the operator in control of the clippings. The operator can have all the benefits of mulching with the ability to easily change to side discharge or bagging when needed.

MulchControl limitations

While in the side-discharge mode, MulchControl will still mulch about one third of the material. Therefore, the side-discharge mode is essentially a partial-mulch mode. This can be an advantage when side discharging or bagging, as it helps to reduce the amount of material being discharged. Other times this could work as a disadvantage:

  • When cutting strong southern grasses, such as Zoysia and Bermuda
  • When cutting in wet, high-growth conditions, such as those found in the Pacific Northwest United States
  • When optimum bagging and lawn clean-up is desired
  • ZTrak Z700 Series Zero-Turn-Mowers

Rear Hitch

Rear hitchRear hitch

The rear hitch provides towing capability for ZTrak™ Mowers:

  • Bolts to frame or attachment bar for solid support
  • Z730M, Z735M, and Z740R have a hitch as standard equipment.
    • Max tow capacity 400 lb
    • Max tongue capacity 100 lb

Spark Arrester

AM115838 spark arrester shownAM115838 spark arrester shown

Available to meet the law in the state of California requiring its use under certain conditions.


The law basically requires that purchasers of certain products be given written notice that it is illegal to use such machines on forest-covered, brush-covered or grass-covered land (except on watered lawns) without a spark arrester.


For further information on this law, consult No. 442.5 of the California Public Resources Code.

Also available in other states if needed to comply with local ordinances or customer requests.

Spark arrester screenSpark arrester screen

Allows tractor to meet restrictions imposed by certain areas.

Striping Kits

Striping kit brushStriping kit brush
Similar product using grass striping attachmentSimilar product using grass striping attachment

Features and benefits:

  • Homeowners can stripe their own properties.
  • The attachment works well with the suspended mower design.
  • The attachment can be adjusted for varying mower cutting height.
  • The brush adjusts to varying ground conditions and allows the operator to freely maneuver the vehicle without damaging the turf.
  • The brush fits all mowers in the ZTrak™ Z700 Series.
  • The brush is economical and functional.



 Item numberLP68213
 Compatible mowers ZTrak Z700 Series 48 in. (122 cm), 54 in. (137 cm), and 60 in. (152 cm)
Ordering information

Please contact a local John Deere dealer for availability and pricing information.


Grass striping kit
Order number: LP68213



8 reviews

Rating Snapshot





Joe c


Length of Ownership: 1month

Usage Frequency: Weekly

Level of Expertise: Expert



I love the mower. I can get the job done so much faster




From: Albany,mo

Length of Ownership: 3months

Usage Frequency: Weekly

Level of Expertise: Beginner


Great Mower, just not for me.


I bought this mower last summer after being told by virtually everyone that a zero turn was the way to go. However for me and the area I need to use it on it just didn't work out. Fortunately my dealer gave me full credit towards a X738 that I love. The zero turn I only used a few times. These are the things I did not like about it. It was very loud. It had lots of vibration, so much so that my hands, butt, and feet tingled after using it. Even minor downhill slopes would cause me to loose steering control. It was difficult to mow a straight line. I should note that there was nothing wrong with the unit and for someone who wants to get their flat lawn done quickly it would be great. For me, I have about 5 hours worth of mowing and I couldn't take riding on the thing for over an hour at a time. My X738 is absolutely perfect for me. Again this was more a case of me not buying what I should have the first time.




From: Westbrook Maine

Length of Ownership: 1week

Usage Frequency: Daily

Level of Expertise: Expert







Length of Ownership: 1month

Usage Frequency: Weekly

Level of Expertise: Expert




I would have to say the deck is about 2 inches to big but it us by far the best I've ever had




From: Missouri

Length of Ownership: 6months

Usage Frequency:

Level of Expertise:



I have had this product for a couple months now. Over all very good but needs a better seat and I Wise I had upgraded to the Kawasaki engine.




From: NC

Length of Ownership: 3months

Usage Frequency: Weekly

Level of Expertise: Expert




Upgraded from a Z530R to Z735E and so glad I did, it’s much more of a mower for use on larger areas of mowing.




From: Illinois

Length of Ownership: 6months

Usage Frequency: Weekly

Level of Expertise: Intermediate


cuts great


I bought it first of 2022 season. easy to clean and store



moms 1

From: Greenup IL

Length of Ownership: 3months

Usage Frequency: Weekly

Level of Expertise: Intermediate