1741781167 400e-loader
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  • Compatible with 4M and 4R Series Tractors
  • Rigid mounted with parking kit available
  • Easy maintenance points keeps you on the job
  • 1,760 pounds (800 kg) lift capacity

Maintenance Plans

Pricing excludes attachments


Close up of grease fitting Close up of grease fitting
Pivot point grease fitting locations (400X shown) Pivot point grease fitting locations (400X shown)

All pivot points on the loader have grease fittings that are accessible from the side of the loader to make greasing the loader much easier, ensuring that all grease points are more likely to be serviced.  No more searching for grease points that are hard to find.  Removing the grease gun from the grease fitting is not a problem as sufficient radius has been left to allow the grease gun tip to be rotated to the side for removal from the fitting.

With the BW15872 parking stand kit, the 300E Loader can be quickly and easily removed from the tractor without tools.


Similarly, the BW16127 parking stand kit allows for the 400E Loader to be parked from the tractor.


Instructions for attaching the loader


Instructions for detaching the loader


The kit includes the following:

  • Parking stands
  • Handled pins
  • Hydraulic hoses
  • Quick-couplers
  • Mounting bracket and hardware
Parking stand installed Parking stand installed
Quick disconnect connected Quick disconnect connected
Boom pins installed Boom pins installed


Compare the specifications of up to 4 models

Key Specs 400e-loader
Current Model
Maximum lift height (A)2850 mm
112.1 in.
Lift capacity at full heightMeasured at pivot (U)
1087 kg
2396 lb
Measured at 500 mm ahead of pivot (V)
800 kg
1764 lb
Boom breakout forceMeasured at pivot (Y)
1743.7 kg
3853 lb
Measured at 500 mm ahead of pivot (Z)
1315.4 kgf
2902 lbf
Bucket rollback force capacityAt ground-level line (ZZ)
3485 lb
1580 kg
Clearance at full height - bucket dumped (C)2298 mm
90.4 in.
Dump angle, degrees (E)42 degree (angle)
Rollback angle, degrees (G)28.6 degree (angle)
Model4044M, 4049M, 4052M, 4066M and OOS: 4044R, 4049R, 4052R, 4066R
Front tire25x10-16.5 4PR R4
Rear tire16.9-24 4PR
Wheelbase1850 mm
73 in.
Pump capacity10.2 gpm
Rated pressure2500 psi
Base weight150.99 kg
Bucket usedMaterials
Bucket weight108 kg
238 lb
Lift capacity at full heightMeasured at pivot (U)
1087 kg
2396 lb
Measured at 500 mm ahead of pivot (V)
800 kg
1764 lb
Lift capacity at 59 in. (1500 mm)Measured at pivot (W)
1307 kg
2881 lb
Measured at 500 mm ahead of pivot (X)
1043 kg
2299 lb
Boom breakout forceMeasured at pivot (Y)
1743.7 kg
3853 lb
Measured at 500 mm ahead of pivot (Z)
1315.4 kg
2902 lb
Bucket rollback force capacityAt maximum height (VV)
1866.1 kg
4112 lb
At 59-in. (1500-mm) lift height (XX)
2355.1 kg
5191 lb
At ground-level line (ZZ)
3487 kg
1580.6 lb
DimensionsMaximum lift height (A)
2850 mm
112.1 in.
At full height - bucket level(B)
2646 mm
104.1 in.
At full height - bucket dumped (C)
2298 mm
90.4 in.
Overall length (I+F), ft (m)3.522 m
11.5 ft
Overall height in carry position (J)1.5 m
4.94 ft
Digging depth (H)-146 mm
5.7 in.
ReachAt maximum height (D)
705 mm
27.7 in.
At ground level - bucket level (F)
1672 mm
65.8 in.
Bucket angleDump angle, degrees (E)
42 degree (angle)
Rollback angle, degrees (G)
28.6 degree (angle)
Dump angle, ground
128.2 degree (angle)
Cycle timesLoader raise, seconds
4.26 seconds
Loader lower, seconds
3.13 seconds
Bucket dump, seconds
3.14 seconds
Bucket rollback, seconds
2.42 seconds