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Rotary Tillers

  • Rotor is helical shaped for higher efficiency
  • Skid shoes control depth
  • iMatchTM and Category 2 quick hitch compatible

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Rotor is helical shaped for higher efficiency

RT Series Rotary Tillers helical-designed rotor RT Series Rotary Tillers helical-designed rotor

The helical-shaped rotor on the RT Series Rotary Tillers decreases horsepower required to drive units. They are designed so they enter the field at different times for more efficiency.

Skid shoes control depth

Frontier™ RT Series Rotary Tiller skid shoes Frontier™ RT Series Rotary Tiller skid shoes

The working depth can be adjusted by the height of the skids, which is easily done with the adjustment bracket on the RT Series Rotary Tillers.

Compatible with Category 1 or 2 hitch

Available on RT1157, RT1165, RT1173, and RT1181 Available on RT1157, RT1165, RT1173, and RT1181

A feature on the larger models is a Category 1 or Category 2 hitch.


The RR1157, RT1165, RT1173, and RT1181 Rotary Tillers are compatible with a Category 1 3-point hitch or iMatch™ quick-attach hitch system. These models are also compatible with a Category 2 3-point hitch or Category 2 Quik Coupler.


Compare the specifications of up to 4 models

Dimensions RT1142
Current Model
Working width144.8 cm
57 in.
Outside to outside width157.5 cm
62 in.
Operating with skid shoes218 kg
480 lb
Operating with cage roller
Tractor compatibility
PTO speed rpm540 rpm
Minimum horsepower18.6 kW
25 hp
Maximum horsepower29.8 kW
40 hp
TypeSingle speed
Oil cooler
Drive system
Chain, ASAE80
3-point compatibleCategory 1, Category 2
iMatch™ compatible (Cat. 1)Yes
Quick coupler (Cat. 2)Yes
Quick coupler (Cat. 3)
Adjustable offset39 cm
15.5 in.
PTO shaft
Flanges (quantity)Seven
Blades (quantity)Six
Depth control
TypeSkid shoes
Maximum working depth17.8 cm
7 in.
Safety and markings
Rear door supportChain
Parking standStandard
Set-up time