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Heritage Tractor Blog

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Starting a new garden

Been thinking about a garden? With freezing temperatures gone, now is a great time to start one. No matter what property size you have, there are garden solutions for every household and every season.

The first thing to do is find the right spot. Most plants like full sun, so the garden should be in an area that gets sun throughout most of the day. Easy access to water is also good to keep in mind when choosing a spot for your garden. Then, simply measure off a space for your garden. It should be spacious enough to hold all the fruits and veggies you plan to plant, but also small enough you are able to maintain it. Traditionally, garden beds are squares or rectangles, but they can be any shape.  Tiered and boxed gardens can help with space limitations.

Once you have a plan, it is time to start digging. If you’re starting from a grass patch, it can be helpful to mark off your desired plot with stakes or spray paint. A flat shovel can be used to remove the sod from the top layer and help slow the re-growth of grass. You can use a tiller or tiller attachment to churn the soil in preparation for the garden. This will break the dirt lose to make planting easier. If looking to start a bigger garden, watch this tutorial for using a compact tractor to plow your garden. 

It is important to think about what plants you want to grow in the space you are creating. There are a wide variety of fruits, vegetables and herbs that can be grown from seed. Additionally, local nurseries and home supply stores carry starter plants that should grow well in your area. Starter plants are especially good when planting later in the season as the plants will mature faster than seed. Make sure to read each label for how much room the plants need, sunlight requirements, and watering instructions to grow the healthiest plants.

Depending on your soil, you may need to fertilize. For the best results, you should test your soil for its nutrient content and pH levels. Depending on the results, options like compost and manure can be added to improve your dirt and make a healthier garden. Tilling can help distribute these materials evenly through the soil.

There are many techniques and ways to garden. Adding water to the hole before the plant can help with the transition period and save you from a muddy mess. Keep in mind how big plants can grow so you have room to harvest in your garden. For larger gardens, walkways protect plants from being kicked or stepped on while picking produce. Garden fabric is a good way to reduce weeds and separate plants. If you’re worried about wildlife or a pet harming your seedlings, fencing and plant covers can be added to reduce interference.

From STIHL and John Deere equipment to gardening gloves, your local Heritage Tractor has the tools you need to begin prepping your garden.


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