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Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Winterization Steps

Check out these 5 steps before storing your mower for the winter!

  1. Empty the Gas Tank or Use Stabilizer
    If your mower runs on gas, you'll need to empty it. Look in the owner's manual for directions on how to do this and be sure to dispose of the gas safely. Or, better yet, run the mower until the tank is empty. If you leave gas in the tank over the winter, it can oxidize, cause rust, or congeal into a jelly-like substance, both of which will damage your engine when you start it in the spring. If for some reason you can't empty the tank, add John Deere Fuel-Protect fuel stabilizer to the remaining gas. Note: its reccomended to add stabilizers to fresh fuel, not gas that's been in the tank for a while.

  2. Change the Oil and Air Filters
    Follow the instructions in your owner’s manual. You change these on your car, so should you on your mower. John Deere oil filters and air filters replaced regularly can extend your mower’s lifetime.

  3. Change the Spark Plug
    Remove the spark plug and check for damage, corrosion, and/or dirt. If it's not looking good, then you’ll need a new one. To replace, add a small amount of oil to the crankcase and then reinstall the spark plug, but don't connect the ignition cable (you'll do that in the spring).

  4. Clean the Entire Lawn Mower
    Never store it for the winter without cleaning it first! This means wiping down not only the engine and frame, but also scraping out all of the grass clippings and dirt caked onto the underside of the mower. Tip the mower on edge to clean the underside; don’t turn it upside-down! Once you've wiped and scraped off all debris, rinse the mower completely with a hose, being careful not to get water into the engine compartment. Dry it off thoroughly. Check the grease points after cleaning to ensure the grease was not washed off. 

  5. Check and/or Sharpen the Mower Blade
    Take a close look at the blade for wear and tear. Blades can be pretty dinged up at the end of the season from sticks and stones. If the blade is nicked or dull, use a heavy-duty file or a grinder to file down and sharpen the edges. If the mower blade looks like it’s damaged, it's can be cheaper and safer to simply replace it with a new one.

We Are Here For You

We've got a wide selection of replacement parts, filters and oil you can shop in store and online. If you would prefer not to do it yourself, our service team would be glad to help!

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